Groundwater and soil characterization

Groundwater and soil characterization
Soil and groundwater sampling involve performing a chemical analysis to verify the presence and concentration of contaminants.

The values obtained are then compared to the standards established for each contaminant. Soil and groundwater sampling is generally done within environmental studies such as the Environmental Site Assessment - Phase II, the rehabilitation of contaminated land or the removal of petroleum products underground tanks. Sampling and analysis may also follow the observation of contamination indices or simply to know the environmental status of a Site.

The drilling equipment used as well as the sampling equipment are generally selected based on the depth of the holes, the type of soil to be sampled, the stability of the land, the accessibility of the Site and the types of contaminants to be analyzed.

For the sampling and monitoring groundwater, observation wells are installed directly in the boreholes. They allow the sampling of groundwater to verify its environmental quality.

Sampling is done following a standardized protocol. The sampling must be done in such a way as to ensure the integrity of the samples.

Samples are analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the Quebec Ministry of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change (MELCC) and test results must be signed by the chemist in charge. The laboratory must provide the results of analyzes, the results of the quality assurance program, the detection and quantification limits of the methods and the references of the analytical methods.

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